Implicit surfaces: MetaColum,3d Printed PLA, Digital print on Aluminium
The MetaColumn is a digitally crafted column made out of Metaobjects. When two MetaObjects get close to one another, an isosurface is created, they merge.
I used the morphing of this fluid digital raw material, to form the initial shape of a 3d model that I later converted into a mesh for further digital modeling and sculpting actions. Once 3d printed, the monochrome reveals a hand-drawn bas-relief in volumes and shadows, referring to the old carved columns archetypes. Complex and liquid-like, the parts require a lot of support to be produced. Usually removed at the end of the process, these columns inside of the column, are assumed as an integral part of the final object. MetaColumn tells the story of an image-matter that traveled through different formats: from a digital file, to a 2dimensional render printed on aluminium and a 3dimensional PLA artifacts.