And who is going to deceide what is news? Who has the power over information? Social media, internet, big-data, propaganda machines fed by dictators or mega organisations?
What is the role of nature in a world where 80% of the people lives in cities?
Manifestations gives insight in dilemma's technological superpower bring, and shows human friendly options: superpowers working in your advantage. Superpowers to the people.
After 3 successful editions, on the 9th floor of the Veembuilding in Strijp-S: Manifestations with DNA modifications, Crispr-CAS, robots, e-fashion, wearables, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence. Young Talents shows the best of Dutch art academy graduates 2019. Meet 3D printed sustainable clothes from recycled plastic, clumsy robots, warning tattoos, hackers, strategic privacy games, and much more. Workshops for kids, meetups, performances. First names are published today. From now on: follow the website and social media for the full program and special events. And become part of the team, or our friend for the special secret events.We need volunteers!