By covering all the different aspects of business, Driving Dutch Design helps lay the foundations for healthy creative businesses and serves as a springboard for young talent. For some a strange combination, a bank like ABN AMRO and Dutch design. But ABN AMRO’s commitment to DDW goes back to 2009. Recognising the importance of design for the Dutch economy, the bank wants to support young creative entrepreneurs.
At the event, all participants were asked to pitch themselves or their project to the audience in a short presentation. Under the inspired leadership of moderator Marsha Simon, project manager at BNO, the various designers were introduced, and questions were answered. This year's presentations were grouped into nine specific driving styles, from the Experiencer, the Conscious Driver to the Storyteller and The Futuristic Driver.
Designer Onno Adriaanse started things off and told the audience about his working method, in which coincidence plays a key role. He was followed by a variety of designers and designs. From scent presentations, food experiences, graphic design, sustainable designs to new materials, practical and humorous designs. The Cyclist, a concept by Julie Thissen, is a series of accessories that make the typical Dutch activity of cycling a bit safer.
Driving Dutch Design helps to lay the foundations for healthy creative businesses and serves as a springboard for young talent
Mirl van Hoek turns another typically Dutch thing into something nice and beautiful; she uses the rain. The pockets of her raincoats can fill up with rain and invite you to play. Designer Billie van Katwijk is more serious and makes designs inspired by the cycle of nature, of life and of death. Katinka Versendaal of The Eatelier, uses taste as her medium to tell stories. Sander Lorier, on the other hand, makes simple, smart and handmade designs, from chairs and flowerpots to lamps. In short, the 2019 selection consisted of a broad group of designers and themes.
The designers had clearly prepared their presentations well and were able to talk enthusiastically about their projects, but more importantly about their motives. Driving Dutch Design provides a special view on the future of the creative sector in the Netherlands.

Are you a designer and would you like to sign up for the 2020 edition? Registrations are open until 11 December. Click here for more information.