Your application to participate in DDW has been approved, and you have paid the invoice. Now it’s time for the next step: finding a location for your project during DDW.
You know best which location suits your project. That’s why we believe it’s important for designers to have the freedom to choose where they want to hold their exhibition or activity. While finding a location is your own responsibility, we are happy to assist you.
What locations can you choose from?
DDW Locations
To help you, we have compiled a list of locations that rent out space to participants. Once your project is approved, you can access this list in your project application within your My DDW account.
Found a suitable location? Contact the venue directly to secure a space. Always share your project description and requirements, and discuss whether there is enough room for the presentation you have in mind. Make clear agreements with the location, including collaboration and coordination with you and any other participants.
Do you have a location you’d like to offer during DDW? Check the conditions.
Klokgebouw and KetelhuispleinThe locations Klokgebouw, and Ketelhuisplein at Strijp-S are managed directly by our organization during DDW.
More information about Klokgebouw →
More information about Ketelhuisplein →
Would you like to exhibit here? When submitting your project through your My DDW account, mention ‘Klokgebouw,’ or ‘Ketelhuisplein’ under the section ‘Tell us more about your location.’The program team will assess whether your project is suitable for the chosen location. Please note that indicating your preference does not guarantee a spot. If your project is not allocated a space, you will be notified and can then explore other locations from the list.
Already have a location?
Ask the venue manager to register the location in My DDW, or do it yourself if it’s your own studio or workshop. In that case, you are both a participant and a location manager.To register a location, go to your My DDW dashboard, click on the ‘Locations’ tab, and fill out the location form.
Have you found a location and coordinated with the venue manager? Let us know!
Once everything is confirmed, submit your exhibition location via your My DDW account under ‘Submit Location.’
As a participant, you are responsible for checking whether you need a permit for your exhibition location. If a permit is required, notify the DDW organization before June 1st and start the application process by that date at the latest.