Age-Fiction(s) Investigations is one of the Design Probes funded by 4TU.DU in 2023.
It's an interactive installation in which visitors are asked to reflect on the development of technologies supporting aging in place based on a series of dystopian videos representing different scenarios.
What is your dream for living your life with technology as you age?
The team beyond this project is composed by six professors from UTwente, TU/e and TUDelft and a visual artist, Lotje van Lieshout.
Through a series of brainstorming sessions, we decided to use the opportunity of joining the DDW to provoque the visitors and ask questions on how they feel about the development of technolgies supporting aging in place and their implications.
We did not want to provide answers, but to engage the visitors in an active conversation.
You can read more about Age-Fi on the website: