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Innovationlabs #2: The Growing Archive

Impulse for new resilience in the cultural and creative sector

How can we ensure that the cultural and creative sector remains agile and resilient over the long term? Makers, cultural organisations and other actors within the creative sector tackle this and other questions within the INNOVATIONLABS Programme


During Dutch Design Week 2024 the Creative Industries Fund and CLICKNL are presenting the results of the open call INNOVATIONLABS. This call was open to innovative and experimental projects addressing current challenges within the cultural and creative sector with a view to increasing the sector's resilience. Sixteen projects were selected in the first edition and seventeen projects in the second edition. Together, the 33 initiatives represent more than 200 parties from diverse cultural and creative disciplines. During DDW24, the spotlight will be on the second edition of INNOVATIONLABS.


The exhibition, which takes the form of a living archive, offers a window into the seventeen innovation projects from the second edition of INNOVATIONLABS. The partnerships behind these initiatives present their projects and reflect on the process to develop their work. A team of researchers will guide you through the exhibition, exploring the projects through five key themes: narrative-driven collaboration, design-based and artistic research, experience-enhancing technologies, societal impact and activating audience engagement.

Open Lab

A highlight of the exhibition is the open lab, where you can witness daily demonstrations of cutting-edge technologies, attend a robotic performance, engage with creative makers, and much more. We invite you to gain insights into and learn how you can contribute to this evolving archive of innovation within the cultural and creative sectors.

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About Creative Industries Fund NL & CLICKNL

The Creative Industries Fund NL is the national cultural fund for design, architecture and digital culture. We finance innovative design projects of makers and cultural institutions in the creative industry. CLICKNL is the TKI of the top sector Creative Industry. We build programmes and projects around (social) challenges in which the creative industry plays an important role.
Innovationlabs #1 — © Max Kneefel
Strijp-S area, Klokgebouw | Hall 3, Klokgebouw 50 , Map No. B2
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