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Spiegel van de Stad

How can you reach and engage voices that often go unheard? A methodology for more fitting policy, through human-centered insight.

Certain groups of people are often underrepresented in research. On behalf of the Stadskamer of the municipality of The Hague, theRevolution developed a method to reach them. Experience the method yourself in an interactive installation. The main message: get out from behind your desk.

The power of a sandwich toaster – learn to cross your barriers to reach every target group.

Every researcher has experienced it: the ‘hard to reach target group’. People who might be underrepresented as respondents because of a lack of interest or feelings of distrust.

The Stadskamer of the municipality of The Hague also struggled with this. The municipality wants to mirror the city, through qualitative and quantitative research that puts their residents at the center. Because they realized that insight into the experiences and living environment of their residents is the key to delivering human-centered services. But what if certain groups can’t or won’t participate in research? Then the city’s mirror is incomplete.

Social service design agency theRevolution developed a solution to this challenge. At Foundation We Are you’ll find the exhibit ‘Spiegel van de stad’ (Mirror of the city). Experience theRevolution’s effective methodology to engage underrepresented groups in research. Discover the power of a sandwich toaster as a conversation starter and learn how to grab the attention of youths with a dilemma game.

And most importantly: the exhibit helps you reflect on your own role as a civil servant. Is your target group hard to reach or are you?

About theRevolution

At theRevolution we use design to work on societal challenges and social issues. We help public organization see, think and act differently. To make real connections and strengthen relationships. Together with those involved we design or improve public services, systems and stories. And help build the society of tomorrow.
Strijp-S area, Foundation We Are, Torenallee 22-04 , Map No. B15
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