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Tactile Whiteness. Equilibrium with Mycelium

Conceptual artistic approach focusing on the study of diversity and continuity, material and visual transformations

Andrea Brittnek MAP 12.1 – photo by Zsóka Jámbor

The coefficients of self-existence and influence, the individuum of the mycelium and the directed growth are presented in the concept. Through the creation of spatial-graphic constructions, three-dimensional objectified reliefs, an interactive relationship is established with living organic matter.

Perceptual coefficients

The aim of the experimental research is to investigate the physical interaction between different natural materials and the selected biomatter mycelium, in a series of fine art and graphic design surfaces, within an object; beyond the visual unity, harmonious appearance, how does the directed symbolisation, the natural scent process of mycelium and the artificially generated, consciously added scent affect our consciousness? How is the message influenced by the flavour of the consumable sub-elements? In what way does the tactile difference in form and surface guide communication? For the project 'Tactile Whiteness.', I have created a series of artworks in which I wanted to interpret the co-existence and co-moulding of this beautiful, mutually generative process of living organisms, natural materials and human beings. To do this, I followed two paths, which did not develop with the same intensity, one or the other came to the fore, but both creative lines were very important in the cross-fertilising processes.

Product of living matter: MAP and FYP

Two projects are linked to these two paths, one is MAP (Mycelium Advanced Phrases), a network of forms that grow from plane to space, a coherent mycelium 'map', and a metaphor for the relationship between nature and the built urban environment. The series was created in 'The White MAP, The White Relief' context. The other project is FYP (Fungi Yielded Papers), a thin surface material derived from mycelium quilt, a soft, easy to bend and shape new material, which can be called paper, cardboard, packaging material. Its special feature is its purity, as the substrate consists exclusively of plant ingredients suitable for human consumption, so the mycelium paper or packaging can also be eaten.

Non-verbal communication under UV light. The transparency of white

Scientific observations on the intense fluorescence of the fruiting bodies of some fungi and its own experimental feedback in Ganoderma lucidum. The project includes the performance results of an interactive experiment in which UV light reveals the invisible fruiting body primordia hiding behind the mycelium. In a light-proof cabin we can experience the white forms in person, and then switch to UV light to see the living organism.

About Andrea Brittnek

Andrea Brittnek DLA's project is the result of a research and development at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. Her works focus on the exploring interactive contacts. She works on experimental products combining organic living materials in the world of art and functional design, focusing on other perceptions that complement visuality, such as auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory stimuli and sensations.

Andrea Brittnek MAP 12.2 – photo by Zsóka Jámbor

Andrea Brittnek FYP – photo by Zsóka Jámbor

Andrea Brittnek MAP 12.3 – photo by Zsóka Jámbor

Andrea Brittnek MAP UV light cabin

Strijp T+R area, BioArt Laboratories, Oirschotsedijk 14-10 , Map No. A1
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