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#YouToo? Beeldverhalen

People with experience help caregivers to better talk about sexual abuse.

#YouToo? — © Maus Bullhorst

The threshold for victims of sexual abuse to ask for help must be lowered. With the project #YouToo? the social designers of Bureau AM are using the collective knowledge of people with experience to increase the ability of care givers to make sexual abuse addressable.

About #YouToo?

#YouToo? is a growing learning platform with tips and advice for care givers from people with experience, experts by experience and experienced care givers to learn from each other. After all, the hesitation to act has to come down and victims deserve a helping hand from all of us.

#YouToo? knowledge being visualised

This DDW, we present a special program. 16 people with experience of sexual abuse are paired with professional image-makers to visualise the knowledge they have in co-creation. In our project, the victim is the expert from whom all care givers can learn a huge amount. The aim is to create a new perspective with victims of sexual abuse of their trauma, empowering them, helping them in their coping process, unlocking their knowledge and making it accessible to care professionals and thereby lowering the hesitance to act in care system to make sexual abuse addressable. At the same time, we selected the eight image-makers for diversity in styles and disciplines, from illustration to typography and from graphics to photography, to capture the multi-voicedness needed within this topic. In this way, we want to make the knowledge as accessible as possible to as many different people as possible and, in this way, get past the stigma in current image-making.Verl

Join us

Come to the exhibition and learn with us, because if we can collectively talk better about sexual abuse, the many victims will receive the help they need more quickly.

About Bureau AM

People are at the core of Bureau AM's work. Through design, difficult topics are made accessable, thereby stimulating mutual understanding and collective reliance. The design studio is unique for its empathetic approach and works mainly in the social domain to improve people's well-being. For example, Bureau AM works with, and for, organisations in elderly care, disabled care, education and government institutions.