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Ervaringskennis als motor voor verandering

What does experiential knowledge bring to education?

Ervaringsdeskundigheid op HU pabo — © Kaja Sariwating

To what extent do we take seriously the knowledge and experience of students? What space is there to use that knowledge and see it as a strength? In this interactive session we will experience what it is like to use experiential knowledge in innovation and change.

Experiential knowledge in education

Visions on education are diverse and always in motion. Even if most courses no longer see a student as an empty head that needs to be filled, the pressure to perform and score can be quite directive. To what extent do we take the knowledge and experience of children and students seriously and what space is there to use that knowledge and see its strength? And how does that work when it concerns young people with a chronic condition? Can the personal experiences of these students be converted into expert knowledge? We have found the answer to be: yes. Personal experience proves to be a valuable contribution to education at HBO, WO and primary schools.

Social designers, together with students and involved professionals, started working in co-creation to give the knowledge and experience of young people with a chronic condition a place in education. This took place at the pabo (course for primary school teacher) and at the master's degree program in Medicine at the University, both in Utrecht. Very different (learning) environments, each initiative with its own unique creative approach.

Interactive session October 24th Natlab from 10.00-13.30h incl. lunch

On 24 October two educational initiatives, supported by the open call ‘Experience knowledge as driver’ from the Agis Innovation Fund, will take you along on their journey with results, insights and lessons learned.

We will use various interactive methods to talk to designers, students, professionals and participants about the following questions:
- Which routes have been followed to give the experiential knowledge of young people with a chronic condition a place in education?
- What results does this process yield for all those involved and their mutual relationships?
- Which working methods and interactive (social design) tools are helpful in these processes?
- How do we go from an inspiring initiative to a driver for lasting change?
- What can the domains of well-being and health learn from this and take with them?

This session is relevant for: professionals from education and the broad domain of care and well-being, designers, policy makers and interested parties. The session is in Dutch. There is room for 30 participants. You can register until October 14th via Agis innovatiefonds:

About MV + Agis innovatiefonds + Zorgeloos naar school

Social designers Myrthe Veeneman and Marjolein Vermeulen (MV design) research and strengthen interactive processes around social issues.

The Agis Innovation Fund supports innovative initiatives based on the needs of people with a chronic condition, to help them lead the life that suits them.

Zorgeloos naar School works on the dream that all pupils and students with a chronic condition in regular education can go to school without worries.

Studenten oefenen met een gesprekstool — © Myrthe Veeneman

Les ervaringsdeskundigheid in kaart brengen — © Myrthe Veeneman

Medische dubbeltalenten, master X&X — © Open Concepts
