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With Time

Materials create new narratives as time passes

"With Time" by KIKA — © Tetsuya Kumagai, Naoyuki Kiyota, Zuika Owada

“With Time” is an exhibition focused on material exploration using paper, iron, and wood. The Japanese design collective "KIKA," composed of three designers, transforms the natural aging of materials, such as rust, into beautifully crafted product designs.

SABITA (chemical reactions of wood and iron)

KIKA is a design unit consisting of Zuika Owada, Tetsuya Kumagai, and Naoyuki Kiyota, dedicated to material experimentation. Tetsuya Kumagai, a design educator in Japan, alongside his disciples Naoyuki Kiyota and Zuika Owada, will leverage their study abroad experiences in Switzerland and the Netherlands to explore materials such as wood, steel, and paper.

At DDW 2024, KIKA will exhibit a range of products including bookbinding, vases, and furniture. Tetsuya Kumagai will showcase notebooks he has personally bound, Naoyuki Kiyota will display vases crafted from aluminum sheets, and Zuika Owada will present furniture and fabrics created using biomaterials-based paint, blending the beauty of nature and industry.

This exhibition is not merely a display but a valuable opportunity for attendees to experience the potential of materials and make their own discoveries. We invite you to join us on a journey to explore the possibilities of new material experimentation through the unique worldviews and innovative approaches of the KIKA members.

Super Free Notebook (Book binding)

Tetsuya Kumagai, an educator and paper craft designer, meticulously handcrafts beautiful notebooks using his unique bookbinding techniques. This work reflects the passage of time, as the notebook evolves from blank pages to a repository of the user's daily experiences. The cover, made with textiles created by Zuika Owada, uses fabric that changes color over time, symbolizing the concept of "time" as the pages gradually fill. Additionally, over 90% of the fabric used comes from repurposed materials, incorporating the idea of time's passage through past and present.

Side by Side (Flower Vases)

The "Side by Side" flower vase series by Naoyuki Kiyota is a collaboration with Japanese craftmen, featuring vases made from aluminum and iron. Each vase starts as a single metal sheet and is transformed through various techniques, highlighting the craftsmanship involved. The iron vases showcase the beauty of rust, evolving over time, while the aluminum vases display layered colors, evoking changing landscapes. The collection encourages viewers to contemplate the time and skill embedded in these creations. The series also includes wall vases in collaboration with Zuika Owada's fabrics.

About KIKA

KIKA, formed in 2024, is a unit of three designers merging nature and craftsmanship through product design and material studies. The team includes Tetsuya Kumagai, a Japanese design educator; Naoyuki Kiyota, who studied in Switzerland; and Zuika Owada, based in the Netherlands. Both Kiyota and Owada were originally students of Kumagai. This collaboration blends the perspectives of a Japanese educator and two designers with European experience, creating new aesthetics and chemical reaction.

"SABITA" by Zuika Owada — © Zuika Owada

"Super Free Notebook" by Tetsuya Kumagai — © Tetsuya Kumagai

"Side by Side" by Naoyuki Kiyota — © Naoyuki Kiyota

"Side by Side" by Naoyuki Kiyota — © Naoyuki Kiyota

Sectie-C area, Hall 4, Daalakkersweg 4 , Map No. H1
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Fully Wheelchair Accessible
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