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Use what we have

Design with discarded household products

Design of the stand — © Juan Nibbelink

A circulair ambachtscentrum is a location or network in which parties work together to reuse household waste. Experience the small scale version with samples of used material, be inspired by examples and win with your design. Everything in the stand is made from recycled materials.

Netwerk Circulaire Ambachtscentra, what are we doing?

The movement to create a national Network of Circulaire Ambachtscentra is in full swing. A circulair ambachtscentrum is a location or a network in which parties work together to reduce waste flows and realize high-quality product and material reuse. The functions of a reuse/recycling center, thrift store, repair shop, education and social domain are combined. There are now 71 of them in the Netherlands. Some municipalities or parties are still getting started, others are already at an advanced stage. The design process is different everywhere.


In the stand we show that recycled material also looks aesthetically good. Everything in the stand is made from recycled materials and will be used again after DDW. Examples can be seen from the circulaire ambachtscentra Opwaarts and Haarlemse Waardemakers but also from various other designers. The beautiful chairs in the workshop section have been upcycled by school students, who learn the basic skills of repair and upcycling in regular education.
We hope that after a visit people will think about whether and how they want to dispose of their things and purchase reused, repaired or upcycled products when purchasing something new. We also want designers to be inspired by seeing examples of circular designs and realize that circular design can be elegant as well as functional.

What are we looking for at DDW?

What unites us as Netwerk Circulaire Ambachtscentra is that we collect billions of kg of material from households and are looking for how and with whom we can give this a valuable purpose. We would like to get in touch with designers, students and entrepreneurs. Our network can be a stepping stone for designers who want to design, make and build with secondary raw materials.
We offer these types of materials during DDW. In a workshop-like space you can experiment with the material and develop ideas on paper. You can compete with your design idea in our competition. The awards ceremony will be on Sunday, October 27.

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About Netwerk Circulaire Ambachtscentra

We are a network of provinces, municipalities, waste collection companies, Rijkswaterstaat, designers, educational organizations, a sector association and an environmental service
Map with all circulaire ambachtscentra in NL — ©
Strijp-S area, Klokgebouw | Hall 1, Klokgebouw 50 , Map No. B2
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