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Meaningful Interactions with Virtual Humans

Virtual teachers and digital social workers. Are these desirable applications? Experience it yourself during your introduction to Virtual Humans.

Meet MAI, the MindLabs Virtual Human — © BUas

There are many imaginable applications for Virtual Humans. But are these desirable social applications of a rapidly developing technology? And how do we limit the associated risks? A collective of researchers at MindLabs lets you engage in meaningful interactions with Virtual Humans.

Meet Virtual Humans

Virtual Humans are highly realistic and interactive digital representations of people. They are used in both entertainment and serious applications. In addition to their widespread use in video games and virtual media productions, Virtual Humans are increasingly seen in roles such as virtual influencers, instructors, newsreaders and even as virtual pharmacy assistants, doctors and patients in healthcare and therapy. However, the rapid development of Virtual Human technology poses a challenge for academics and applied researchers, users and policy makers alike. Keeping up with the latest developments, understanding their societal applications and limiting the associated risks is a major challenge. MindLabs coordinates the research and development and brings together frontrunners such as Breda University of Applied Sciences, Fontys University, ROC Tilburg and Tilburg University to jointly develop, share knowledge and develop practical cases.

Meaningful interactions

Through various interactions, MindLabs enables you as a visitor to interact with various forms of Virtual Humans. Experience a natural conversation with an AI-driven Virtual Human. Or push the boundaries of non-verbal communication with one of the interactive experiences. In collaboration with social organizations, a glimpse is given into applications in, for example, healthcare and welfare, education and media. This is to explore possible areas of application, but also to enter into dialogue about the ethical and social side of this development.

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About MindLabs

MindLabs - a partnership of knowledge institutions, governments, companies and social institutions and startups - strengthens the development of technologies that interact with human behavior to help solve social challenges. Supported by the Regio Deal Midden-Brabant and the Digitale Werkplaats (Futures Lab), students, researchers and companies work together on digitalization issues, in which Virtual Humans are seen as a key technology of the future.
An impression of an interaction with MAI — © MindLabs
Strijp-S area, Klokgebouw | Hall 3, Klokgebouw 50 , Map No. B2
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