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Social label celebrates 10 years of positive activism. Design doing at intersection of design, society and economy with new labels & 'Gesamtkunstwerk'

Too big to fix, too big to move — © Rene van der Hulst art-direction Petra Janssen

Social label designs labor and activities as a source of creativity, well-being and beauty through the power of design and communication. Social label is celebrating its 10th anniversary at 3 different venues to tell its story and showcase the latest labels and their Social label Lab in Den Bosch.

' Too big to fix ' Social label 10 years Installation/contemplation space for dialogue

Social label occupies a unique place within the design world as a forerunner in the field of “design with meaning. Initiators Petra Janssen (Studio Boot) & Simone Kramer (C-mone) have been working for over 10 years to build a meaningful design collection & community. In collaboration with various partners in care and welfare, makers, designers and policy makers, Social label shapes an inclusive economy through design and communication that leaves no one by the wayside. Some problems in our country are so big that you sometimes wonder if the government can solve it through laws and regulations. Therefore, we have been working for 10 years to set a positive example that it can be done through design doing.

Hosted by The Social Hub in in partnership with Isola Design

This Future is Currently Unavailable, new Social label products

Collective expo Isola Design X Social label collection

In this exhibition, Social label presents three new products from its social sustainable design collection:

Social label > HART Petra Janssen (Studio Boot) in collaboration with workshop of the TextielMuseum and Craft atelier Social label Lab Den Bosch

Social label > TRAP Ineke Hans in collaboration with De Winkel die Werk/Plan op Maat

Social label > LOOK Kranen/Gille in collaboration with Assembly atelier Social label Lab Den Bosch

Hosted by Isola Design, Strijp-S

Too big to move, Gesamtkunstwerk Social label Lab Den Bosch

In the Social label Lab for social innovation, different groups of creatives work under the supervision in the atelier teachers ateliers craft, assembly, story, move & open. Through the power of design and communication, new opportunities arise for a better future in which each person with his or her talent is of value. Because creating something of functional or aesthetic value is important for everyone. Design as a means to come back and participate by making a meaningful contribution and being part of a bigger picture (pride, own value, identity). After all, why does all work have to go by the standards of speed and money? Why don't we value differences, talents and make this a starting point? From the Social label Lab we argue with professionals from care and education for a different view on work as a benchmark to reform society and economy.

About Social label foundation

Simone Kramer (C-mone) en Petra Janssen (Studio Boot) Ilse Crawford & Oscar Peña, Piet Hein Eek, Dick van Hoff, Marc Mulders, Edwin Vollebergh/ Studio Boot, Borre Akkersdijk/ ByBorre , Kiki van Eijk, Kranen/Gille, Joost van Bleiswijk, Studio Rens, Haiko Meijer / Onix, Roderick Vos, Edward van Vliet, Rianne Makkink / Studio Makkink & Bey, Brigit Vermeulen, Jana Slegers, Kelly Vanneste, Iris Toonen, Mijke Pol, Franziska Angel, Ineke Hans, in collaboration with care, education and reintegration.

Playfulness of human beings — © Rene van der Hulst art-direction Petra Janssen

>HART versatile cloth, Petra Janssen — © Rene van der Hulst art-direction Petra Janssen

>TRAP steps to sit or stand on, Ineke Hans — © Rene van der Hulst art-direction Petra Janssen

>LOOK wooden book stand, Kranen/Gille — © Rene van der Hulst art-direction Petra Janssen