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A voice for water, powered by microbes

Artist impression of the POND installation — © Ermi van Oers

POND (Power Of Nature-based Design) is an outdoor light installation that gives water a voice by measuring her health and translating her well-being into magical color projections after sunset. All powered by the water itself through Microbial Fuel Cell technology — energy generated by microbes.


POND represents a combination of a new sustainable alternative energy source and a visual representation of water quality.

Currently, 60% of European waters are heavily polluted, and less than 1% of open Dutch waters meet the standards. POND empowers local communities to become aware of, and fight for, the health of their waters.

After four years of development by Nova Innova and its partners, this innovative system is now on display for the first time in the water at the Van Abbemuseum during Dutch Design Week. Experience an intimate evening light installation, where the water whispers its story.

For more information, visit


POND generates energy from water through the Microbial Fuel Cell technology. Simply put, it is energy generated by bacteria naturally present in the water. These bacteria break down organic compounds and release electrons during this process. We capture those electrons in order to create electricity without harming the ecosystem. This electricity gets used to power sensors that witness the water quality. This data gets directly translated to a unique light language, in which the colors and pace of breathing of the light, express what the waterquality is like.


During Dutch Design Week, POND is located in the water at the Van Abbemuseum, in front of the entrance at Stratumsedijk. POND is accessible throughout the full day but truly comes to life in the evening when it gets dark.

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About Nova Innova

Nova Innova, led by designer Ermi van Oers, is an award winning bio-design studio in Rotterdam, that combines nature, science and design to generate groundbreaking sustainable solutions. Nova Innova has a portfolio of plant-based as well as water-based regenerative innovations.

POND in Rotterdam Zoo — © Ermi van Oers

POND light elements — © Ermi van Oers

POND light element — © Ermi van Oers

POND in Rotterdam Zoo — © Ermi van Oers

Centre area, Van Abbemuseum - lake, Stratumsedijk 2 , Map No. E16
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