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to loll idly

textile artworks

artwork detail — © Ola Korbańska

Artworks present texts on the act of "doing nothing" seen from various perspectives — as a vital activity, an exercise of one’s own potentiality, a protest strategy, a feministic manifesto, a call to give space to others, an idle.

to loll idly

Texts placed on the textiles are quotes, encounters, fragments of personal chats gathered within the framework of artistic research. It is an attempt to portrait the — usually neglected and infamous — activity of "doing nothing", or "not doing" and it’s idle, philosophical, and even political nature.

Banners are created by folding textile stripes into letters, connecting them into words, eventually sentences. The process of writing here is prolonged, stretched in time, being a careful and laborious practice standing in opposite to the speed of typing or even handwriting, or broader the velocity of omnipresent information. The time contained in the artworks brings attention to the words stated, being also a manifestation of doing nothing on
its own, a de-growing strategy of sort.

About Ola Korbańska

visual artist and writer working with words, texts and textiles, creating large site-specific artworks in public spaces, and smaller gallery pieces

based in Berlin, DE

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