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Embassy of Digital Futures

Playing the algorithm

Let's save the world of tech

Playing the algorithm — © Leonore Snoek

Join us and save the world with technology! We've built a supercomputer that empowers you to tackle today's societal challenges. But beware: only truly original ideas will be rewarded. Ready to acquire the superpowers necessary to save the world?

Reframing the algorithm

Playing the Algorithm envisions a new relationship between algorithms and its users. Instead of creating followers, this algorithms creates creators. You only win if you dare to think outside the preprogrammed.

By asking ourselves: are we still leading ourselves in a world shaped by algorithms? And how do we regain control? We try to create more space for autonomy and play.

About this collaboration

This project is the culmination of design research conducted by Connect, a designlab within the City of Amsterdam, focusing on inspiring parents and children to engage with technology in a more meaningful and playful way. By showcasing the potential for technology to reward independent thought and creativity, we aim to contribute to a broader discussion about growing up in the digital age in which we challenge passive algorithmic realities in which children are often left mere digital consumers.

Following its debut at Dutch Design Week, the installation will tour Amsterdam as part of a larger project exploring the implications of a digital childhood

Next steps

In the coming period, we will continue working on concrete interventions that make a healthy and safe online world possible. Think of: digital speed cameras, service design of school smartphone policies or maybe even a mobile detox clinic for caregivers.

Are you a young person, a caregiver, a school, a public institution, or just someone who wants to take action with us? Reach out to us (when we’re around) or get in touch via

About Connect Ontwerplab

Connect’s design lab, part of the City of Amsterdam, collaborates with young Amsterdammers (8-23) and their communities to address online challenges to create a safe, healthy, and positive digital world.

Het Verbond is a strategic design agency working on social & digital transformation.
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