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Embassy of Water


Re-patterning water consciousness with living geometry

Harmonizing Hydroglyphs — © Eva van Strien

Aiming to create a new design awareness embedded in Traditional Ecological Knowledge. Eva’s work bridges design, ecology, Indigenous knowledge and technology and is driven by a deep love for our Earth. Eva consider design as a powerful tool to re-shape the relationship between humans and Nature.

Everything in life, in the Universe consists of energy, frequency and vibration.

HARMONIZING HYDROGLYPHS proposes a new pioneering way for water regeneration via sound and cymatics. As everything in life has a vibrational signature, geometry is a form of intelligence that takes place after sound. Its the shape of sound, or sound made visible in a liquid medium, in this case water from the river Dommel, this science is called cymatics.
In this project these cymatic patterns emit the energetic vortical fields of a specific frequency, to match the sounds of healthy living waterbodies.
This is one of the vehicles for transforming the physical structure of water, so it will match its primordial form, its original movement or living flow again.
When it does, the principles of an intrinsic regenerative system becomes active again. The complex self-healing and self-regenerating and re-organizing capacities of water can be expressed (again).
HARMONIZING HYDROGLYPHS are living vortices based on mimicking healthy natural systems in terms of sound, cymatics and bio-geometric patterns for (urban) water regeneration, oxygenation, quality improvement and overall to support life.

About Eva van Strien

Eva van Strien is a trans-disciplinary TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge) designer, researcher and innovator. Introducing a new regenerative design approach to contribute to urgent socio-ecological problem solving. Aiming to create a new design awareness embedded in TEK. Bringing new narratives.
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