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Fractals are everywhere. Fashion is everywhere. This fractal is fashion.

This project was part of DDW 2022
Collection of Apollonial garments — © Design Marina Toeters Loe Feijs photo Janne Beelen

Apollonius of Perga gave us his circles. Mandelbrot gave us the beauty of mathematics, which he called 'fractal'. We gratefully accept these gifts and turn them into fashion, the art of innovation into what we wear.


A circle is one of the most symmetric shapes we know. More than 200 years ago, Apollonius of Perga explored configurations of “kissing circles”. In between three kissing circles there is a fourth, which fits perfectly. And then another, and yet another, the process simply does not stop.


We play with this sea of circles and turn it into a wave, an infinite curve of circles. We play with foreground and background, with colors, and we develop new computer tools.


We believe that fashion should be innovative. We innovate not only by the mathematical beauty of motifs and patterns, but also by textile innovation and new forms of cooperation. In the collection exhibited here we use for example sublimation printing, laser cutting, laser engraving and computer embroidery to construct the garments. Joint work by Loe Feijs and Marina Toeters.