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(Archive) Clones & Ashets

This project was part of DDW 2022
Clone Series

Clones & Ashets is a selection of sculptural vases and original everyday objects. What unites them all is the sculptural character and the strongly visual graphics with which they create a very unique ambience in all rooms and in everyday use.

Clone Series

Cloning refers to the creation of one or more genetically similar individuals of living organisms.
This can produce individual cells, tissues or entire organisms. All genetically identical offspring of a cell or a living being are called clones. They can be produced artificially as well as naturally through asexual reproduction. The Clone Series figuratively has the same genes, but the objects differ in external details such as reliefs or ornaments, making them an ever-growing family of products.

Tasty Ashets

The decoration of utilitarian ceramics, especially tableware, has a long and visually impressive tradition through porcelain painting and similar techniques. The Tasty Ashets tableware series takes up this tradition again in an unusual and at the same time visually very strong form. The unique hand-painted decoration gives the impression that the depicted characters are sitting at the table with us.