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Pattern, decoration, fashion, architecture, to repeat or not to repeat?

This project was part of DDW 2022
Maquette and xxperimental tessellated dress — © Matthijs Vertooren, Marina Toeters, Loe Feijs

We know that there are 7 groups for frieze patterns, 17 for wallpaper, and 28 for tessellations. But how can we apply them in contemporary design? Can we draw inspiration from Escher's well-known metamorphosis woodcuts? Can we connect fashion and architecture in this way?

Repeat patterns

Both fashion and architecture have a tradition of deploying repeat patterns such as frieze patterns, wallpaper patterns and tessellations. Traditionally, the pattern is fixed, and then cut-off at the corners or at the stitch lines. But can we morph from one pattern to another? Can we consider a building or a dress to be a cylinder rather than a flat plane?

Playful crossover

We show work in progress, a playful crossover. We morph from one pattern to another, from a weave to a knit, from a virus to a pied-de-poule. The morphed pattern can go round. We demonstrate this in a maquette of a possible future FASHION TECH FARM building where the morph goes around the building. The same principles are tested for fashion: dresses and tops. Joint work with Matthijs Vertooren (Donktech) and Marina Toeters (